Selected Publications

2016. Carrasco, Anita. “A Biography of Water in Atacama, Chile: Two Indigenous Community’s Responses to Mining Extractive Encroachments” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology [In Press].

2015. Carrasco, Anita. “Jobs and Kindness: William E. Rudolph’s Role in the Shaping of Perceptions of Mining-Community Relations in the Atacama, Chile”.  The Extractive Industry & Society (2): 352-359.

2014. Carrasco, Anita. “Entre dos aguas: identidad moral en la relación entre corporaciones mineras y comunidades indígenas en el desierto de Atacama” Chungara, 46 (2): 246-258.

2010. Carrasco, Anita. “A Sacred Mountain and the art of “Impression Management”: Analyzing a mining company’s encounter with indigenous communities in Atacama, Chile.” Mountain Research and Development, 30 (4): 391-397.

2010. Carrasco, Anita and Eduardo Fernández. “Estrategias de resistencia indígena frente al desarrollo minero. La comunidad indígena de Likantatay ante la eventualidad de un traslado forzoso”. Estudios Atacameños, (38): 75-92.