Class of 1950 Spring 2014 Letter

Spring 2014

Fellow Members of the Class of 1950 (that’s a long time ago),

This is supposed to be a spring 2014 letter. But here I sit watching rain that will turn into freezing drizzle and then into snow – probably the worst storm of the winter in Decorah – with another drop in temperature to follow. I say "enough, already." And hope that all of you are enduring or escaping, wherever you are. I have managed both. In Decorah it's been surviving with the help of long johns, a ski cap, and a shovel, all the while trying to call off the deer who forage freely in the neighborhood and about town. Last week, blissfully, my wife and I managed to flee to Florida to enjoy some convivial time with cousins from around the country and from Oslo(!), buoyed by sunny 75-degree days. It was enough to make us feel, temporarily, as if we had new joints and bones. But now it is back to winter in Iowa with spring seeming a long way off.

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