Class of 1965 Spring 2016 Letter

Six months since our wonderful Homecoming weekend, and we are all back in our regular or maybe “not so regular” routines. The regular glorious/wonderful/fun activities we love are again being enjoyed as more positive experiences of our good life. But life sometimes has a way of changing direction without any warning. Health issues, children issues, grandchildren issues, housing issues, church issues, relationship issues – the list goes on and on. Back in the early 60s, remember when we thought a dating issue, or grade issue, or “when can we have social dancing here at LC?” issue, or studying issue, or late minutes issue, or ???, fill in the blank, was difficult?  We were only preparing for the really big things to come! Luther College was the village that raised each of us to navigate both the positives and negatives we were sure to encounter in our future. Our perspectives were stretched, diverse ideas were presented, and we were given critical thinking tools to deal with whatever was to come our way for the rest of our lives. All of this via caring faculty/staff and our growing life-long FRIENDSHIPS that were there supporting us. We are so lucky to still enjoy that deep imprint on our hearts and minds that we carry with us yet today.

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