1980 Class Agent, Kris Tjornehoj

Class of 1980 Fall 2015 Letter

Fall 2015

Dear Class of 1980,

Homecoming was a special time to be at Luther College, as our class celebrated our 35th reunion. “Do you remember” was the theme for the evening. The evening highlights consisted of a surprise appearance by Weston Noble ’43, introductions by Scott Hanson and Arne Sorenson, and Christi Munson Nowland presented our generous class gift. Thank you for all those who have supported Luther financially. It is not always the amount that matters, but the active support that each person can provide that makes the difference. There is still time for matching gifts to the Annual Fund, and/or the Class of 1980 Scholarship, by the end of this calendar year. A special thanks to Arne and Ruth Sorenson for their generosity in providing the challenge in support of these two terrific areas. This kind of living example of philanthropy and leadership in supporting Luther College is an inspiration for all of us.

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