Spanish 340: Guatemala and Costa Rica

The crew in front of the beautiful Basilica de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles

Chillin' and Illin' in Costa Rica

Our first few days in Costa Rica got off to a rocky start when all but two of us got food poisoning, but we all recovered and are ready to explore again. 

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We spent hours preparing the "mole", but it only took a few minutes to clean our bowls.

Blue Skies and Bike Rides

Our buns were a bit sore after biking through the rocky streets of Antigua, but we were rewarded with views of old churches and traditional Guatamalan desserts!

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We love spending our mornings and afternoons with these awesome Spanish teachers

¡Hola a todos!

Settling in with our Guatemalan host families and growing accustomed to days full of speaking Spanish

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Here's a picture of Emma with a coffee plant in Cuba. She looks forward to visiting more coffee plantations in Guatemala and Costa Rica!


We're ready to sharpen our Spanish-speaking skills and escape the frigid midwestern winter for warmer temperatures in Central America!

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