Leaving Jamaica

Today is the day we fly back to the U.S. It was a great experienced we had being here in Jamaica. We were able to make new friends, visit schools, and try new foods. We are already missing Jamaica, even though we are still at the airport. People we are mostly going to miss are Jackie, Mr. Morgan, and the barefoot chef.

Throughout our stay, we were able to compare Jamaican schools with American schools. We were also able to learn about the education system in Jamaica, and how Jamaicans solve their ethical dilemmas. We learned about the Jamaican language and its evolutions throughout history. We gained more knowledge about Jamaica from the different speakers we had throughout our stay in Kingston. We had the chance to interact with many of the locals, and participate on the radio at UWI, Mona, with Paulette and Anthony. We talked about our experiences at the different schools in Jamaica and our role back in the U.S. 

We would like to thank our professors for making this experience possible for us. And also thank them for making sure that we enjoyed our stay, and at the same time reflect on it. They also had a fun stay in Jamaica.  I was very glad to snap some pictures of the professors because they do not like pictures. It gave me more reason to take picture of them. :-)

But our journey is not over yet. Once we arrive in Chicago, we will be visiting our last schools. We will be in Chicago until the 25th. So far, we are not that exhausted, but we will be once this is all over.

Our last picture in Jamaica and with Mr. Morgan.
This is Mr. Morgan, our bus driver in Jamaica.
On Air at UWI's radio station
Paulette and Anthony