Velkommen til Oslo!

We were lucky to have a smooth, albeit long, day of traveling! We arrived as the sun was setting, and flew into a chilly Oslo, flying over pine forest. It took us so long to get here, so we were very excited to finally make it!

Our main goal yesterday in Oslo was to stay awake as the time change and the early sunsets (3:00 p.m?!) tried to trick us into snoozing. We spent most of our day traveling, stopping briefly in Copenhagen and then hopping over to Norway. By the time we made to the hotel, we were all ready to settle in!

We shared our first group meal together before we went our separate ways for the evening, with some folks opting to venture into Oslo’s hip Grunerløkka neighborhood, and others starting to catch up on sleep. Today we will spend our day getting acquainted with the city, through a group scavenger hunt! We are all excited for the new experiences ahead, and the places that we will reach with our stellar teamwork, and little red metro Ruter card. To get us prepped for the scavenger hunt and a day on foot in Oslo, I made a list of common phrases that we can use to practice our Norwegian and try to blend in with the locals. We encourage you to try it out too! Lykke til (good luck)!

Hello: Hei Hei [Hi-Hi]
Goodbye: Ha det! [Ha deh] or Ha det bra! [Ha deh bra!]
Good Morning: God Morgen [goo morn]
Good Night: God natt [goo knot]
Yes: Ja.  [Yah]
No: Nei. [Nigh]
Thank you!: Takk OR Tusen takk! [Tu-sen talk]
I only speak a little Norwegian: Jeg snakker bare litt norsk. [Yigh snahkker bar-eh litt norsk]
I will have a cup of coffee: Jeg vil gjerne ha en kopp kaffe! [Yigh vill yearn-eh ha en copp kaffe]


A group of us taking a walk around Grunerløkka last night!
Our view on the flight into Oslo as the sun set at 3 p.m.