Closed Stacks

Books listed in Closed Stacks (formerly known as the DEPO) are shelved in our basement storage area. These books have a blue stripe above the call number label. They do not get checked out. Like the bound periodicals (red-striped volumes), patrons may use them in the library, but they can not be taken out of the library.

Vinyl record albums are also shelved in the Closed Stacks area. These records (LPs) can be checked out for two hours in the library to students and for two weeks to faculty.

Many Closed Stacks books were formerly in the main stacks, so they may have a defunct barcode still on them that has been crossed out or traces of a barcode that has been removed from them. Do not let that confuse you. They do NOT circulate.

To access the basement, you will need to use the elevator key. Once down there, you may want to use the flashlight plugged into the outlet next to the elevator since the area is poorly lit and light switches for different areas are located in separate places.

Obviously, you can only retrieve items when there is someone else available to staff the circulation desk. If you are alone and there are no readily available staff in the back room or at the Research Help Desk who can come out and stand at the counter, then tell the patron when the desk will next be suitably staffed so that the item can be retrieved.

Closed Stacks books are pre-shelved on the left-hand side of the first shelf in the pre-shelving area.