• Sarah Lilly, Kindergarten Teacher

    "The Career Center was very helpful to me. I went to mock interviews to help me learn how to prepare and the practice made me feel more comfortable. The preparation really made a difference in how I felt taking the next step after graduation."

Sarah Lilly ’10

Luther Connections Make a Difference

“During the interview for one of my teaching positions, I knew I had an immediate connection with the principal when I learned she was a Luther grad,” says Sarah. “I felt like I was a well-prepared candidate for the job and at the same time I could easily relate to her since we shared a lot of the same college experiences.”

Long-Lasting Friendships Formed

Sarah’s advice to first-year students is to have fun, be confident, and take advantage of opportunities. “I played clarinet and wasn’t going to try out for Concert Band because I felt intimidated,” she says. “During a lesson, my instructor encouraged me to try out and I was in the band from my sophomore year on.”

Sarah feels that Concert Band was one of the most impactful experiences of her college career. “We went on a tour of Japan and it seemed like the friendships I had already established with the group became even stronger. We still stay in touch.”

Ready for the Workforce

Sarah came to Luther prepared to study education, but was also appreciative of the resources that were available to help her achieve her career goals. “The Career Center was very helpful to me. I went to mock interviews to help me learn how to prepare and the practice made me feel more comfortable. I still have the booklets I was given on how to do resumes and cover letters. The preparation really made a difference in how I felt taking the next step after graduation.”

Sarah knew she wanted to be a teacher from a very early age.

When I was in first grade, my teacher asked all of her students to write an essay called, 'When I graduate from high school, I will be …’ And my story said I would go to Luther College and become a teacher. My first-grade teacher sent me a copy when I graduated. It all turned out exactly as I had predicted.

—Sarah Luloff '10

87% of Elementary education majors from the Luther class of '13 are employed and 7% are continuing their education.