Course Topics

MUS 130, 230, 330, 430 Applied Music- Horn

For music majors in varied years of study. Non-majors and music majors in their secondary areas may register for these courses with consent of instructor. Studio seminars may be required. Additional fees will be assessed for these courses.

MUED 260 Brass Methods

Methods and materials of teaching brass instruments to elementary and secondary students. Includes knowledge of and proficiency on brass instruments, pedagogy, materials, assessment and grading for individual and small group studio lessons. Required for instrumental music licensure.

MUS 273 Chamber Music

Instruction in the literature for small ensembles. Ensembles should be approved by an instructor before registration. Open to all students regardless of major. All ensemble members must be registered. This is a chargeable credit and will count toward the 36 credits for the year.

MUS 345 Music History II: Classical and Romantic

This course offers a survey of vocal and instrumental music from approximately 1730 to 1900. We will trace the development of major genres, including the symphony, string quartet, concerto, aria, and oratorio. Students will consider how Classical composers contributed to Western Art Music by inventing or codifying some of the most enduring genres and forms and by creating the Galant style. We will then explore how Romantic composers transformed the genres, forms, and harmonic language inherited from Classical composers. Many of these changes resulted from a desire to express emotions and ideas through music, as we will see. Historical, social, and political factors that affected music and musical life will also be investigated.

Studio Ensemble: Horn