
The Iowa Sociological Association Constitution and By-Laws


Article I      Name

This organization shall be known as the Iowa Sociological Association

Article II     Purpose

The purpose of the Iowa Sociological Association shall be to meet particular and important needs of undergraduate sociology students, graduate sociology students, and sociology instructors in Iowa that are not being met through existing organizations.

Section 1      With respect to undergraduate majors in sociology, the Iowa Sociological Association aims specifically to:

a. Broaden the professional knowledge and experience of students by such means as providing for an interchange of ideas among students and instructors of various Iowa institutions.

b. Acquaint the students with the range of occupational opportunities available to majors with a bachelor’s degree.

c. Provide undergraduate majors with information about the opportunities 
for graduate work in sociology in Iowa, including the requirements for advanced work, its desirability, and the kinds of, graduate programs in force at Iowa institutions.

Section 2      With respect to graduate students the Iowa Sociological Association aims to:

a. Provide for an interchange of ideas among graduate students and between graduate students and professional sociologists in Iowa.

b. Acquaint graduate students with the opportunities for professional employment.

Section 3      With respect to the sociology instructors, the Iowa Sociological Association aims to:

a. Improve the teaching of sociology in Iowa by such means as providing a suitable and stimulating setting for topical and pedagogical discussions among colleagues, providing an opportunity to learn from experts in a specialty area of sociology, and acquainting the instructors with the sociology curricula in various Iowa institutions.

b. Assist Iowa sociology instructors with the placement of their undergraduate sociology majors by such means as providing information about the employment opportunities and opportunities for graduate study in sociology in Iowa.

c. Assist in recruiting teaching staff for Iowa institutions.

Article III    Membership

Section 1      The following categories of persons shall be eligible for membership in the Association:

a. Undergraduate students with a major or strong minor in sociology in any college or university in Iowa.

b. Graduate students with a major or strong minor in sociology in any college or university in Iowa.

c. Faculty members in any Iowa college or university whose teaching, research, or administrative duties, separately or combined, are primarily in the field of sociology.

d. Students and faculty of Iowa colleges and universities who have an interest in the program of the Association may become members.

Section 2     Members of the Association shall have full voting and other privileges and responsibilities; however, in the interest of continuity, undergraduate and graduate students may not hold office, except as specified in Article V of the By-Laws.

Article IV    Officers

Section 1     The officers shall include a President, President-Elect, and Secretary-Treasurer. Their duties shall be the usual ones of such offices, and any specific duties assigned to them in the By-Laws.

Section 2     The Executive Committee shall consist of the Past-President, President, President-Elect, and Secretary-Treasurer. This Committee shall manage the affairs of the Association.

Section 3     The Iowa Representative of the Midwest Sociological Society shall be invited to be an ex officio member of the Executive Committee.

Article V      By-Laws

Section 1     This Association shall, by the enactment of suitable By-Laws, provide for:

a. The qualifications, method of election, and specific duties of officers.

b. The conduct of its meetings.

c. The determination of the need for dues and methods for assessing them.

d. Such other activities it may wish to regulate in this manner.

e. The definition of active members.

Section 2     By-Laws may be enacted, amended, or repealed at any regular meeting of the Association by a majority vote of those active members present, or by a majority of the active members responding to a mailed ballot.

Article VI   Amendments

Section 1     Amendments to this Constitution shall be proposed in writing to all active members of the Association at least 30 days before the annual meeting. Amendments must be approved by two-thirds of the active members who designate their approval in person at a regular meeting or in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer, no later than the date of the regular meeting at which the amendment is voted on.

Article VII   Adoption of the Constitution

Section 1      This Constitution shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of those present at the meeting at which it is proposed; or, at the discretion of the temporary committee for drafting a constitution elected at Iowa City in 1960, by a two-thirds vote of such individuals who have indicated a willingness to become members of the Association.

Section 2      Charter members in all types of membership shall include all who join the Association within the year following the adoption of the Constitution.


Article I      Elections

Section 1     The Nominating Committee shall consist of the incumbent Executive Committee.

Section 2     Nominations for new officers may be made by the Nominating Committee from a list of those eligible under Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution.

Section 3     Nominations may also be made by any active member at the meeting at which elections take place.

Section 4     The election of officers shall be held at the initial meeting of the Association and annually thereafter at the major program meeting of the Association.

Article II     Membership

Section 1      Persons eligible for membership in the Association may become active members by attending a regular meeting of the Association or by written application to the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 2      Non-sociologists may become members only by written application to the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 3      There shall be no membership dues.

Article III    Program

Section 1      At least one regular meeting of the Association, with a program consistent with its purpose, shall be held annually.

Section 2      A Program Committee consisting of the President-Elect and at least two other members of the Association appointed by this officer shall plan the program of the Association and arrange for meeting places.

Section 3     The Secretary-Treasurer shall provide all members with notice of the time and place of meetings and inform them of Association activities.

Section 4     A registration fee, determined by the Executive Committee, may be charged members who attend a regular meeting. This money may be used to defray the expenses of the Association.

Article IV     Awards

Section 1      The Association shall establish a cash award’ named for an eminent sociologist connected with Iowa by birth, education, or work. The name of the award shall be designated by a majority of the active members at a regular meeting. The name may be changed by this procedure.

Section 2      The winner of the cash award shall be the author(s) of the best student paper on the program of the annual meeting. Authors of other outstanding student papers shall receive honorable mention.

Section 3      The Chair of an Award Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee at least six months prior to the meeting at which the papers will be presented. The Chair shall appoint two other active members to collaborate in-the selection of the student papers for the program of the annual meeting and in the selection of the winner(s) of the award and of the honorable mention citation.

Article V      Student Representatives

Section I      The President and President-Elect shall each appoint an active student member to serve as a consultant and assistant in carrying out the duties of their respective offices.

Article VI     Affiliations

Section 1      The Association may affiliate with any other organization which promotes the purposes of the Association and is compatible with this Constitution and By- Laws.

Section 2      Affiliation with another organization shall be affected in the same manner as an amendment to the Constitution. See Article VI, Section One.

-This revision of the 1960 Constitution and By-Laws approved at the Annual Meeting, Central College, Pella, Iowa, April 7, 1979. Copies of the original constitution can be obtained by contacting either the ISA secretary/treasurer or current president or president-elect.