Community Roles and Activities

Bell Green at Luther College

Community Engagement

The strategic planning process is designed to be broadly inclusive and transparent at every phase of the project. All members of the Luther community are invited and encouraged to participate in sharing their ideas and aspirations in an iterative process of community engagement. The following outlines the basic roles and activities of the college's various constituencies during the planning process:

Strategic Planning Committee
  • Steward of the college community’s interests and aspirations in the planning process
  • Serves as a consistent source of communication to and from the college's constituencies
  • Works with K&A to coordinate information gathering, data analysis, and development of planning themes
  • Conducts additional information gathering, determined in consultation with and supported by K&A
  • Participates in a strategic planning retreat to reach consensus on overarching strategy, priorities, goals, and objectives
  • Works with K&A after the retreat to refine goals and objectives
College community
  • Active contributors to the strategic planning process through participation in on-campus information and idea-gathering activities, online surveys, and review and discussion of preliminary themes and draft goals and objectives
  • Collective owners of the strategic planning process
  • Constituent groups represented on the Strategic Planning Committee
President and cabinet
  • Develop the charges for and supports the work of the Strategic Planning Committee and the Implementation/Action Planning Group
  • Communicate regularly with K&A and provides ongoing, collaborative strategic analysis and leadership perspectives on the planning process and emerging ideas and priorities
  • Communicate with and updates the Board of Regents regarding the planning process
Implementation/Action Planning Group
  • Develops the activities, timelines, lines of accountability, and assessment metrics that will be detailed in the implementation/action plan to track and measure the progress of the plan once implemented
Keeling & Associates
  • Serve as consultants, advisors, and facilitators throughout the process
  • Collect data and information through multiple methods, on- and off-site, and assist the Strategic Planning Committee in analysis and formulating conclusions
  • Facilitate the work of the Strategic Planning Committee and maintain regular communication with the president and her cabinet
  • Work with the Strategic Planning Committee to refine goals and objectives after the strategic planning retreat
  • Develop a framework for the creation of the implementation/action plan’
  • Assist the Implementation/Action Planning Group in drafting the implementation plan
  • Assist in preparing the final drafts of the full strategic plan, including the implementation plan