Who Responded

We invited 1,939 Luther College undergraduate students to take the 2019–2020 HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey; 584 students opened the survey, and 453 completed the survey.

The following table provides more detail on the students who responded to this survey. We include data from prior administrations if your institution has administered the survey more than once. Please note, due to the sensitive information that we ask on this survey, we do not record students' responses until they give us permission to do so by clicking the "Submit" button at the end of the survey. We show the informed consent language that students saw at the beginning of the survey below the table.

Response Rate Report


When they open the survey, students see the following information:

In this survey, we will ask you about your perceptions of [Institution Name]’s climate on unwanted sexual contact and sexual assault, your perceptions of how [Institution Name] addresses and responds to sexual assault, and the extent to which you have experienced unwanted sexual contact or sexual assault.

We would like to hear from all students at [Institution name], both those who have experienced unwanted sexual contact or sexual assault and those who have not. The survey usually takes less than 15 minutes to complete.

Your participation is completely voluntary. We deeply appreciate your cooperation and willingness to provide information that will help us better understand a critical aspect of student life at [Institution Name]. We are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for our students, and your participation in this survey will help us in our work to keep all students safe.

Your responses are anonymous, and we will only report them after they are grouped together with the responses of many other individuals. Your name will not be connected in any way with your responses to this survey, and any identifying information from the computer on which you take the survey will be removed before we receive the data. Please note, if other people have access to your computer, they might be able to view your web browsing history, including a link to this survey. You can find more details about how we protect respondent anonymity here, and information on how to delete your web browsing history is available here.

You may stop taking the survey at any time or choose not to answer particular questions. You may also go back and change your responses. If you wish to stop taking the survey, simply leave the survey without hitting the “Submit” button at the end. We will not record your responses until you hit the “Submit” button.

Some of the questions will ask you about sexual, personal, and potentially troubling information. It may be emotionally difficult to answer these questions. Should you wish to talk with someone further, you may access information about campus, local, and national resources for unwanted sexual contact, sexual assault, and relationship violence at any point in the survey by clicking on the link in the footer of the survey page. This information will also be provided at the end of the survey.

The information you provide will be used to inform and improve support, policies, and practices at [Institution Name] and will not be used to investigate specific individuals. Disclosing an incident here does not constitute reporting the incident to your campus and will not result in any action, disciplinary or otherwise. Please do not identify anyone by name in your survey responses. If you identify anyone by name, the name will be removed before [Institution Name] receives the data. Please use [Institution Name]’s reporting procedures if you wish to report an incident of sexual assault.

The [Institution Name] leader(s) of this survey effort [is/are] [name(s)], and [he/she/they] can be reached at [email address(es) and/or phone number(s)].