Technical Information

The data with which your institution's results are compared come from over 50,000 undergraduates at 91 small institutions that administered the HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey in the 2016–2017, 2017–2018, 2018–2019, and/or 2019–2020 academic year. These institutions vary in size and come from diverse Carnegie classifications, but most are private, the majority of their students are undergraduates, and their undergraduate student enrollments are below 4,000. This report focuses only on undergraduate students. In all worksheets, the information labeled "All Small Institutions" represents unit record data for all undergraduate students who responded to the survey.

Campus Climate Worksheet

This worksheet contains information on the General Campus Climate scale which consists of eight statements, Cronbach's α = 0.85.

The survey includes three statements regarding "Perceived Risk of Sexual Assault," and we provide results for two of those questions. The survey also includes five statements regarding, "Perceptions of Institutional Response to Sexual Assault," and we provide results for three of those questions. Please refer to your institution's data file and frequency report to find results on the statements not included in this report.

Sexual Assault Worksheet

This worksheet is provided for those institutions with 5 or more undergraduate students who reported that they had experienced sexual assault. Institutions not receiving this worksheet can refer to their frequency report for a comparison of the number and percent of students experiencing sexual assault, broken down by gender and classification.

How often did students experience sexual assault?

One of the statistics we include in this report is the number of sexual assaults that students experience. This is important because most students who have experienced sexual assault report that they have experienced more than one incident (59% of women and 49% of men). If we simply reported the proportion of women or men who have experienced sexual assault, you would not get the full picture. In the survey, we ask students how many sexual assaults they experienced at each of seven different locations (Q15 and Q16). We use this information to determine how many incidents of sexual assault each student experienced. Students may select 1-4 or “more than 4" incidents at each location. For our calculation of the number of incidents of sexual assault a student has experienced, we count “more than 4” as five incidents. So, the maximum number of incidents a student may report on our survey is 35 (seven locations times a maximum of five incidents at each location). Please note, this may still be an underestimate, because “more than 4" incidents may represent more than the five incidents we’ve included in our calculation.


In the survey, students who were sexually assaulted multiple times were asked to focus on only one incident of sexual assault when answering a set of questions about details of the assault, including questions regarding the presence and intervention of bystanders. In the "Bystander Intervention" section, the figures are based on only the one incident of sexual assault for which students provided details. Students who reported being sexually assaulted multiple times did not answer questions about bystanders for all incidents they experienced.

More Information About Sexual Assault at Your Institution

In the survey, students who were sexually assaulted multiple times were asked to focus on only one incident of sexual assault when answering a set of questions about details of the assault, including questions regarding the number of perpetrators, sex of the perpetrator(s), affiliation of perpetrator(s), use of physical force, inability to consent due to incapacitation, alcohol use, and who the student who was assaulted told about the incident. Counts in this section of the "Sexual Assault" worksheet are based on only the one incident of sexual assault for which students provided details. Students who reported being sexually assaulted multiple times did not answer questions about these details for all incidents they experienced.

We calculated the number of sexual assaults committed by male perpetrators using data from Q24a and Q24b. We did not include victims who said the assaulters were "Both males and females" in the total number of male perpetrators. Because of this, the count of assaults committed by males in this report likely underestimates the actual number of sexual assaults committed by males.

We calculated the number of sexual assaults that involved alcohol by combining data for respondents who indicated that the incident involved "the other person/people drinking alcohol" and/or their "drinking alcohol" in Q19.

We calculated the number of sexual assaults that occurred in college-owned housing, Greek housing, or another location on campus by combining data for those three response options from both versions of the question, "Where did the sexual assault occur?"—Q15 which was shown to students who experienced one sexual assault and Q25 which was shown to students who experienced multiple assaults. Both questions show where the one incident of sexual assault that students chose to describe in this survey occurred.

We calculated the number of rapes by combining data for the "Oral sex," "Vaginal sex," "Anal sex," and "Anal or vaginal penetration with a body part other than a penis or tongue, or by an object, like a bottle or candle" response options for Q18, "When you were sexually assaulted, which of the following happened? (Check all that apply)."

Comparison With Prior Administration(s)


Reports from bystanders of sexual assault — This data comes from Section Three: Bystander Behaviors, Bystander Branch One, Questions I and III. Only those students who reported that they had not been sexually assaulted in Q13 responded to these questions.