Luther College Moment in History #37

In June of 1896, some students at Luther College began a Boarding Club to feed their fellow classmates. Officers of the Boarding Club had to work hard managing the organization, but they also received many benefits, such as free board, free laundry, free coffee, and cream instead of milk. They wrote a constitution and elected officers to hire and fire employees, manage the purchasing and finances, and create menus and policies. In 1897, the average cost per week was $1.30. Donations were accepted from faculty and Decorah businesses and notes of thanks were published in the Chips. One notable donation was from George Lommen, a Luther graduate and classmate of President C. K. Preus, who donated a 175-pound reindeer for Thanksgiving dinner.  In 1932, Luther College took formal control over the food service and in the 1960s, meals were relocated to the newly constructed Dahl Centennial Union. The Boarding Club was originally located in Main I, but was relocated to Loyalty Hall and served the dedication dinner on December 20, 1917 to the entire student body and faculty. This photo shows the Boarding Club circa 1920s.

[Luther College 1861-1961, p 140]
[Luther College through sixty years, p 320]

Moment 37