Getting Acclimated

Hi all, my name is Grace Robison and I am the daughter of Jennaya Robison, one of the co-leaders. I got the opportunity to go on this trip with her, so I am a high schooler hanging with a bunch of Luther kids. It is a very interesting situation, but I’m totally ecstatic because this is my first time out of the country!

My first day in Berlin was a rough start. I was so tired! It’s a seven hour time change and I had less than 8 hours of sleep in the two days we travelled. After breakfast I went to my first college lecture. It was difficult for me to understand, so hopefully those get easier. Our group went on a bus tour of Berlin and visited many historic places. Once we were able to go off by ourselves my mom and I went to the Berlin Cathedral and climbed all the way to the top of the dome. We were able to see the whole city from there and took many selfies. We had a group dinner that night at the Hofbrau House and had amazing German food. They had a live band so of course we danced and we met these fun people from Brazil. In Berlin there are many people from different countries and luckily many people speak English.

Day two was much better after a good night’s sleep. We had the morning free and went to the Berlin Zoo. My favorite part about the zoo was the aquarium. I have never seen so many jellyfish in my life, and they were adorable. Later in the night we saw Mozart’s Magic Flute at the Berlin Opera House. Instead of having a large set they projected animations on to the screen with the actors. I have never seen an opera done that way. Berlin has played a large role in German history and I’m very excited to see more of it. Tschüss!

Cathedral of Berlin.
Jellyfish from the Berlin Aquarium.