Library Professional Staff Mt. March 17, 2008


March 17, 2008, 9:15 a.m., Hovde

Present: Chris, Andi, Ryan, John, Lindy, Germano, Rachel.

John announced Holly Murphy, from III, is coming on Thursday, March 20, for our Encore kickoff.

Chris said it is time for our department review. The process will start in the ’08 fall semester with a site visit in fall ’09. He would like a broader review to take place with the entire LIS department not just the academic part.

John spoke on the summer reference schedule. He will route a calendar for signing up when you will be available as well as when you will be gone.

John said Kate had reported a morning student reference change. Librarians will either fill in or be on call during the time when the student can’t be here.

Andi reported we will have two interns this summer using the “old” plan. She will set up the schedule for them.

The remainder of the meeting was devoted to the Strategic Plan discussion.