Biology 245: Ecuador

Rosy-fingered Dawn (or, for my classicists, rhododactylos Eos) painting the sky at Runa Tupari, as light begins to emanate from behind Cotacachi volcano.

Ascent to Antisana

In which we shop an indigenous market and leatherworking town, have homestays with Otovalan subsistence farmers, as well as observe Andean Condors and Spectacled Bears.

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We're back!

Everyone's safe (but exhausted). Anticipate a blog post with more details tomorrow.


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Gargoyles? No, Galapagos giant tortoises.

Of Chocolates and Churches

Church touring!

In which we visit a basilica, a cathedral (not detailed herein), a famous Jesuit church, and finally a convent and museum of Saint Francis.

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