Bryn (Hedlund) Hazelwonder '16

1. Why was it important to you to include a linguistics-oriented IIM or a Linguistics minor as part of your studies while you were at Luther?

It was important to me to include a linguistics-oriented IIM as part of my studies while I was at Luther because it allowed me to combine two areas of academic interest. I was able to study the linguistic intricacies of the Spanish language and learn more about the linguistic composition of the English language. I was an English major, as well, and my linguistics courses gave me more insight into the English language. I appreciated the unique opportunity to combine my knowledge and love of language with a more in-depth study of both English and Spanish.

2. What sort of occupation or professional activity are you engaged in now?

I am an attorney in Des Moines, IA.

3. In what ways has the knowledge you gained through studying linguistics contributed to how you engage with your current work and/or the world in general?

I use the knowledge I gained through studying linguistics daily as an attorney, particularly in drafting and reviewing court documents, contracts, stipulations, and settlement agreements. Having a greater understanding of syntax and semantics allows me to be very precise in reviewing and drafting documents that benefit and protect my clients. Attorneys have to be very detailed when it comes to the language they use, and my knowledge gained through studying linguistics has been very applicable in my daily life as an attorney.