Lyra and Cygnus

The bright stars of Lyra appear in the oval at top with the cross of stars (known as the Northern Cross) marking the prominent asterism of Cygnus below. Vega and Deneb are the brightest stars of this region, forming two thirds of the well-known Summer triangle (along with Altair in Aquila). The bright asterism of Cygnus is often depicted as a swan flying down the river of the Milky Way, with Albireo marking the head of the swan at the end of a long neck. Deneb marks the swan's tail and the wings stretch to the side, joining the swan's body at Sadr. Epsilon Lyrae and Albireo, both labeled above, are fine double stars for a small telescope. This region is typically associated with the evening sky of late summer but can be seen throughout the year. The image here was taken with a Google Pixel 6 before dawn on a February morning. In the image that contains only Cygnus, fainter stars have been removed, leaving only the bright "Northern Cross" asterism.