Alumni Reunion Artists in the Luther Fine Arts Collection

by Luther College Alumni
Curated by Anna Johnson ('16)
October 16 - November 8, 2015
Preus Library/Display Case Outside of the Kristin Wigley-Fleming Fine Arts Gallery, Center for the Arts

Alumni Reunion Artists was curated by senior art student Anna Johnson ('16), and features works with a variety of different media, including painting, etching, ceramics and metal sculpture. All of the works on view in the Alumni Reunion show are part of Luther’s Fine Arts Collection, curated by Luther’s art historian, Dr. Kate Elliott (over 200 of the 1,938 pieces in the Fine Arts Collection were created by alumni artists). For more information about the Fine Arts Collection, please visit the main page of the Fine Arts Collection website.

There is another exhibit located in the display case outside of the Kristin Wigley-Flemming Fine Arts Gallery, Center for the Arts also containing alumni art in particular the art of Marguerite Wildenhain and the "Pond Farmers."

For more information on this show and the artists displayed, please visit the accompanying page in the Luther College Galleries Archive of Exhibitions.

2015 Pond Farm: Alumni Artists